How Registration to Proficiency Test

For those of you who want to participate in proficiency testing programs that we open to the public. You can see the schedule of proficiency testing, and the availability of proficiency testing sample on the page link below. please visit the link to see the updated schedule and the number of proficiency testing sample availability you need.

  1. Schema Proficiency Test for Food and Baverages Click Here…
  2. Schema Proficiency Test for Environment Click Here…
  3. Schema Proficiency Test for Mining Click Here..
  4. Schema Proficiency Test for Agriculture Click Here…

If you’ve found the appropriate immediate needs doing by filling out the registration with Download Form Here, immediately do the registration because of our limited sample proficiency testing and a lot of demand.

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Dept. Marketing

Alfiyah Muntazah



Ikhfa Agus Riyanti



Sulastri - Branch Yogya


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Dept. Marketing

Siti Rofikoh


Alfiyah Muntazah Dept. Marketing

Saya siap membantu anda sekarang, mari kita berdiskusi.. 00.00

Ikhfa Agus RiyantiMarketing

Yth. Bapak/Ibu, dengan senang hati saya siap membantu 00.00

Sulastri - Branch YogyaMarketing

Monggo.. Wonten ingkang saged kulo rencangi? 00.00

VriskaDept Marketing

Saya siap membantu anda sekarang, mari kita berdiskusi.. 00.00

Siti RofikohDept. Marketing

Saya siap membantu anda sekarang, mari kita berdiskusi.. 00.00